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Undefined symbols in CubeMX generated project using DCMI

Associate III


I'm working on a webcam like application using the stm32f4discovery (stm32f407vg mcu).

I've generated the the project with CubeMX following the indications in AN5052 (Digital camera interface (DCMI) for STM32 MCUs).

Once I compile it (it is a Makefile project) it ends up with undeclared symbols errors.

The first missing symbol is the one which defines the MCU (i.e. STM32F40_41xxx), which is weird since CubeMX is well aware of the MCU I'm using and it could define it for me. However, I can easily fix this by defining it. But then other five undeclared symbols appear: DCMI_ESCR_LSC_Pos, DCMI_ESCR_LEC_Pos, DCMI_ESCR_FEC_Pos, DCMI_CWSIZE_VLINE_Pos, DCMI_CWSTRT_VST_Pos.

So why are these symbols undefined? Are them supposed to be defined by me based on the camera specification? Is there anything wrong in the project settings?

Associate III

So, it was the CubeMXF4 package broken (maybe because the 1.24.1 patch folder is named the same as the 1.24.0 "STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.0"?). I downloaded and decompressed it manually and now those errors are gone......but another one appeared, now it is a conflicting types error...fixed it and a number of undefined reference error appear....

I recognize the hard work and the validity of the CubeMX tool, but the reliability have to be improved. If I develop a project from scratch, I have a clear picture of any component of the project, but if CubeMX is supposed to do it for me, it has to do it for real. Not do it with a number of problems that I have to go into the same level of detail as it was developed from scratch.

Associate III

So it was the system_stm32f4xx.c

Now if I generate the project with CubeMX, then I fix the Makefile which have the -IDrivers/CMSIS/Include line doubled (see the code snippet)

-IInc \
-IDrivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc \
-IDrivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy \
-IDrivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include \

Then I change the system_stm32f4xx.c file with the one contained into: Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Source/Templates it compiles with no error. Now I don't know if the code actually works, but at least it compiles the (almost) empty main().