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Weird artifact showing in my TextAreaWithOneWildcard

Associate II

Every text areas I place have cursor visible. From some of the areas I don't want to have cursors. How do I hide them?

Chief III

Hi @Sandy.Dahl​,

Text areas in TouchGFX do not support cursors. Can you show me a screenshot? Something funky must be going on 🙂


Hi Martin!

Interesting, them I'm probably doing it wrong. It looks like this:


Hi @Sandy.Dahl​,

That definitely looks "interesting" and actually does look like a cursor 🙂 Are you able at all to share your project, or part of it, with me so that i can see this for myself and maybe debug it?



Hi again!

Which part do you want to see? The view or presenter of this screen?

Can it because I'm still using version 4.9.3...?

Thank you so much for your quick answer!

/ Sandy

Hi Sandy,

No problem. 4.9.3 is fine, i can upgrade the project here.

I just need an application that can show me the specific view you're seeing the issue with.


Hi Martin!

Sorry, can't share more than this.

From view.hpp:

TextAreaWithOneWildcard MeasurementText;

Unicode::UnicodeChar MeasurementBuffer[9];

uint32_t MeasurementValue = 0;

From view.cpp:

MeasurementText.setPosition(182, 144, 164, 37);

Unicode::strncpy(MeasurementBuffer, Unicode::EMPTY, 1);




void InfoView::setTextFieldData(uint32_t data)


      MeasurementValue = data;

      Unicode::snprintf(MeasurementBuffer, 9, "%u", MeasurementValue);



Thanks again for your help.

/ Sandy

There's nothing in that code that looks suspicious at all.

Instead of Unicode::strncpy(MeasurementBuffer, Unicode::EMPTY, 1), could you try MeasurementBuffer[0] = 0 ?


No change in outcome with your suggestion unfortunately... What to try now?

Hi Sandy, since i can't try this myself we can only speculate.To me it simply looks like the character "|". Can you check your buffers for that unicode? U+007C.