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Does anyone have experience with B-L475E-IOT01A (discovery IOT node) and bluetooth?



I have a B-L475E-IOT01A (discovery IOT node) and I would like to learn how to create BLE based solutions.

I have previously worked with the Nucleo F446RE board for reading sensors and uBlox GPS feeds. so while not a C programmer, I'm not a complete novice.

I have worked through the Step by Step tutorials but get stuck on the last one. Everything goes well until the debug step. No errors or anything but I can never see the BLE device on my phone using ST BLE Profiles. It doesn't show up.

I also notice that the blue LED, which I think is supposed to indicate wireless activity, is not lighting up.

I have downloaded the X-Cube-BLE1 pack and tried setting up the sample BLE applications in there, but I get similar results. That is also frustrating because it looks like the code is sometimies targetting the B-L475E-IOT01A and other times one of the BLE shields (X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 and X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1)

Finally, despite some programming experience (higher level languages!) I am finding the BLE stack quite bewildering. Trying to follow the code paths to figure out why my BLE is not behaving.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Finally, I began this with STM32CubeMX + TrueStudio. Then I noticed that they are deprecated and replaced by STM32CubeIDE (looks like the two combined). Do most others here use one of these options or is there something better/simpler for someone in my position?

Many thanks.
