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STM32F103C8T6 SD Card Interfacing, Read/Write Files using SPI

Associate II

I have STM32F103C8T6 and 16GB SD Card

I want to read/write files on SD card using SPI communication but not know where to start.

I am working with SD card first time.

Please anybody help me with this.

I am using STM32CubeMX and TrueSTUDIO


The nucleo boards have an SPI example using a driver in the AdaFruit shield code.

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Can I make .txt file on SD card using this example??

Can you make a text file on a PC with fopen, fwrite, fclose, etc? FATFS provides similar interfacing.

The code talks to the SD Card


There are SPI drivers in the board file


Look under the Nucleo examples for a FATFS one.

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Yes I can make text file using C on PC