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CubeMX - we urgently need another panel with ridiculous text across the full width of the monitor screen.


A very simple question - why do toolbars take up such a huge area?

Why tools that can no longer be used - remain on the monitor screen?

Why did you abandon the icons, and use huge colored rectangles in the style of Windows 10?

I know that developers and managers of ST can put any monitor in the workplace. The price does not matter. But 90% of users have a standard monitor with a resolution of 1920/1080.

Please - test the software on popular models of monitors.

Clive1 (HNL)
Senior II

Someone at ST certainly needs to reflect on User Interface choices, usability and QA

I suspect 1388x768 is the most common. It would surprise me if 1920x1080/1200 were close to 90%. @brk​ could no doubt pull the metrics from the forum web server user logs.

Use spanning FHD, QHD and UHD and lower resolutions would seem to be a minimal threshold for any type of QA, and the providing of easy methods to change the view, organization, orientations and fonts.


Why did they choose gray on white as a text color? Was black on white too readable? And what's with the pea green text when peripherals are active? Was normal green too readable? Cube v5 makes Cube v4 look like the best software ever.

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I've never used CubeMX but aren't all these things configurable ? If not it's very 1980s !

As I understand it, the use of Java exteralizes​ some of the control over how the app can look and handle the view.

I'd prefer a native app, but then more work and expertise would be needed for OSX and LINUX platforms.​

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I have passed the comments along internally, I am not involved with this development.