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Can USART3 on the STM32F730Z8T6 be used for the ST embedded bootloader? Are there any other specific hardware requirements other than toggling the boot pin to '1' to enter boot ROM .


I've looked at AN2606, it referencess STM32F73xxx but does not specifically list the STM32F730xx under the supported STM32F73xxx parts for the document. I am assuming this is an oversight but I wanted to be sure that USART3 would work and things will basically work like the other STM32F73xxx variants specifically called out in the document. If there are any differences for the STM32F730Z8T6 .


It is not so much about toggling the BOOT pin, you really want that in a static state. You want everything else in your system to be quiet.

At a minimum make sure pins like PA10 and PA3 are not getting jabbering signals on them, but go over the app note looking for input pins used by the loader. Assume the F730 is the same die as the F722 (Check the DEV_ID reported). The F750 is a F756

Look at all the pin interfaces the System Loader will be looking for life on, the USART RX pins typically go to TIM inputs which will measure the baud rate via the 0x7F data pattern.

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