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STM32F769I-DISCO + CubeMX 5 + SW4STM32

Associate II

I am attempting to setup a project that is first configured in CubeMx 5.0.1 and then add graphics in Designer 4.10 and finally code in SW4STM32 but running into some issues in particular how a certain section is worded.

I am following thru the how-to below, which is focused on EWARM, I am hoping to use those instructions and apply to SW4STM32 workbench but I am unclear what the instructions under the section "Modifying EWARM Project" means....

The following sentence seems quite confusing

In the project add a sub-group under Drivers called BSP and add the three files stm32f769i_discovery.cstm32f769i_discovery_qspi.c and stm32f769i_discovery_ts.c which is located in STM32F7Cube installation folder, [STM32F7Cube]Drivers/BSP/STM32769i-Discovery and the file ft5336.c located in [STM32F7Cube]/Drivers/BSP/Components/ft6x06

so I create a Sub-group called BSP under Drivers and add the following files to it from the CubeF7 repository:


stm32f769i_discovery_qspi.c and 


ok fair enough, but afer that, I dont know what the heck the author is trying to say....

any ideas???? was this translated using google translator into english??

has anyone attempted this how to and had success?

Clark Sann

Well I completely agree with you...that article did not help me at all either.

If you want to create a TouchGFX project using SW4STM32, I wrote a guide on how to do it. Here is a link to that article:

Let me know if you have any questions.

Associate II

I tried to follow your write up but didn't apply to the STM32F769I-DISCO board unfortunately, the compile in SW4STM32 fails.

I have a 746 board and your write up worked like a charm. But its a no go with the STM32F769I-DISCO board. any suggestions

Clark Sann

How did it fail? Build errors or just not work? If the latter I’m guessing there are significant hardware differences...different number pixels, different peripherals to communicate with the display, etc. I think there were some write ups about that board about the same time I wrote my document.

Another thing you you might try is see if there is any sort of example project for the 769-DISCO board. If there is, compare it’s setup code with yours and see what’s different.

Associate II

so I startup a brand new project in TouchGFX Designer. Add some minimal graphics etc and save

Designer creates CubeMx config file in addition to EWARM project folder (which I am not interested in)

I open the CubeMX config file in CubeMx 5.0 and go to project manager tab, chose SW4STM32 and uncheck Generate Under Root and hit Generate Code

finally, i launch SW4STM32 and navigate to my projects SW4STM32 folder and import the project into eclipse.

without making any changes, I compile and it fails at the following:

 fatal error: stm32f769i_discovery_ts.h: No such file or directory

and so this is what I have run into couple times, and looking at the above document and under Modifying the EWARM Project section I am getting stuck here trying to translate the english and understand what applies to SW4STM32 environment. any help would be appreciated

broadly speaking, the method I chose was via TouchGFX as per the following guide

Hi @3oceans​. Can you post your (non-working) project? You can use wetransfer (free service) for this upload.

Associate II

here it is @Mon2​

Software involved in creating this project:

  1. TouchGFX designer 4.10
  2. CubeMx5.0.1
  3. AC6 System work bench 2.7.2
  4. Windows 7 pro