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STM32F030 (Cortex-M0) and BLE Mesh

Associate III

I'd like to use STM32F030 with SPBTLE-RF. Is it possible? Can I use libBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a from STSW-BNRG-Mesh? STM32CubeExpansion_BLEMESH1 is available only for Cortex-M3 and M4. Is it going to be available for CM0?



Any specific reason to use STM32F030  ? Did you evaluate the flash size needs ?

For which application you plan to use STM32F030  ?

Normally, the  libBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a shall work fine for STM32F030,

There is no plan to provide X-CUBE-BLEMESH1 for CM0 based MCU

Associate III

STM32F030 wasn't my choice, it was selected for the project (PV panels array monitoring).

I made some tests and it wasn't possible to link the code against libBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a:

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 5 exit status

I suppose the library wasn't compiled for GCC. Could ST provide the library for GCC (TrueStudio)?

Associate III

OK, so the GCC compatibility issue can be fixed by removing debug symbols:

arm-none-eabi-objcopy --strip-debug llibBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a

But it doesn't help much. The ld.exe process doesn't crash now but it fails because of lack of BlueNRG1/2 specific functions like PKA_SetData(). And that's because ST dropped BlueNRG-MS support in BlueNRG-Mesh library version 1.09.000. The release notes say:

Removed support over BlueNRG-MS, For BlueNRG-MS kindly refer X-CUBE-BLEMESH1

But as you stated, X-CUBE-BLEMESH1 doesn't support CM0. So libBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a won't work fine for STM32F030. The solution would be to us mesh library V1.07.000 but it's nowhere to be found. ST offers only latest version for download.


You are right. The X-CUBE is for STM32+BlueNRG-MS

Kindly share which MCU do you plan to use (Flash, RAM..) and which Model of the BLE-Mesh. Is it generic model or Vendor model for your application ?

Using STM32L1 is not an option for you ? or using BlueNRG2 which is also Cortex-M0 core

I don't design hardware in this project, just make suggestions as software developer. There would be Vendor model. STM32F030 was first choice because of price and LQFP48 package. SPBTLE-RF is already chosen as BLE module. For me STM32L1 would be OK, but is there some chip in LQFP48 package and with 512 kB Flash?


for STM32F030, you are getting 256KB flash maximum. Any specific reason to ask 512kB for STM32L1 ?

Associate III

I thought 256 kB wouldn't be enough. Anyway the project is postponed now. Thank you for your help.