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Driving Multiple Sensored BLDCs


I have a project where I would like to drive two separate sensored BLDC motors with a single microcontroler. The only options I have seen involve the control of a single motor with no options of stacking shields (in the Nucleo's case) or using multiple motor control connectors (ie STEVAL-IHM028V2)

There is also an additional option using the STEVAL-IHM034V2 board in conjunction with an additional STEVAL-IHM034V2 power board. I have to dismiss this option since I an working on a low power proof of concept and would like to have encoder feedback.

I was wondering if there where any additional hardware configurations that I may have missed?

Claire O.
ST Employee

Dear Javilen,

one tip: If you want to get the dual board configuration we use and tested in ST using ST MC Workbench. Go to "New Project" and select Dual Motor (step 2) .

Best regards,
