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(SOLVED) Timer Interrupt only do the first if statement


Hi everyone!

I had a problem with timer interrupt. When i use 2 if statements in timer interrupt it't only do one of them. My if statements are in different condition.

Here brief of my code

void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)


if (htim->Instance==htim4.Instance)


if (first == TRUE)

CDC_Transmit_FS (data 1);

if (second == TRUE)

CDC_Transmit_FS (data 2);

if (third == TRUE)

CDC_Transmit_FS (data 3);



But when both first and second are TRUE. It't only transmit the first. If i set first = FALSE and it will transmit the second. It's the same for the third. Why this is happen. Many thanks to those who help me. P/S: My English not very good. Sorry for that.

UPDATE: I found out the answer from

"Pavel A.

Sending takes time.

 USBD_CDC_TransmitPacket() only queues the data for sending and returns immediately. Until the data has been sent, TxState flag is set, so your second call to CDC_Transmit_FS() returns USBD_BUSY and the 2nd data is not sent."