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HardFault error using lwIP TCP stack and freeRTOS!


Dear friends,

I am trying to create a TCP server using lwIP and netconn APIs for STM32F407VGt6 MCU and recieve data from a PC software program which acts as a TCP client.

The MCU recieves all the data correctly from PC software in multiple packets and after finishing data transfer, a HardFault error occurs.

The TOTAL_HEAP_SIZE of freeRTOS is 15360 bytes and the TCP thread stack size is 256 words.

I am using CubeMX version 4.25 and HAL firmware version 1.21.0.

The code I wrote is as follows:

/* TCP_Server_Task function */

void TCP_Server_Task(void const * argument)


 /* init code for LWIP */



 struct netconn *conn, *newconn;

 err_t err, accept_err;

 struct netbuf *buf;

 void *data;

 u16_t len;

 uint8_t j;

 uint8_t *tcp_rx_buf;

 uint8_t length;





 write_addr = W25QXX_BLOCK_2_ADDR;

 /* Create a new connection identifier. */

 conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);

 if (conn!=NULL)


   /* Bind connection to well known port number 502. */

   err = netconn_bind(conn, IP_ADDR_ANY, 36000);

   if (err == ERR_OK)


     /* Tell connection to go into listening mode. */


     while (1)


       /* Grab new connection. */

        accept_err = netconn_accept(conn, &newconn);

       /* Process the new connection. */

       if (accept_err == ERR_OK)


         while (netconn_recv(newconn, &buf) == ERR_OK)




             netbuf_data(buf, &data, &len);

                     tcp_rx_buf = (uint8_t *)data;

                     length = len-1;

                     if(tcp_rx_buf[0] == FC_CONFIG_PROJ)




                     else if(tcp_rx_buf[0] == FC_GROUP_WRITE)


                        for(j=byte_cnt ; j<len ;j++)


                           rcv_data[j] = tcp_rx_buf[j];




                        write_addr += length;

                        byte_cnt += length;


                     else if(tcp_rx_buf[0] == FC_PROGRAM_DONE)



                        length = 0;

                        byte_cnt = 0;

                        write_addr = W25QXX_BLOCK_2_ADDR;


             netconn_write(newconn, data, len, NETCONN_COPY);


           while (netbuf_next(buf) >= 0);



         /* Close connection and discard connection identifier. */











 /* USER CODE END 5 */


Any helps would be appreciated.



What do the SCB registers say about the hardfault reason ?

Have you tried to narrow down the exact location, perhaps with instrumenting your code ?


Dear AvaTar,

thanks for your quick reply.

Yes I have checked it. HardFault is caused by MemMange and when I checked the CFSR register, the instruction access violation (IACCVIOL) flag was set.

The problem is I cannot find where exactly this happen and why.

Unfortunately the board I am using does not have a trace pin, so I cannot use trace feature.

Could you give me any ideas how to solve this problem?


JTAG/SWD based tracing, or an extra UART. In many cases, a single GPIO pin for toggling works.

Or you try the debugger.

> ...and after finishing data transfer, a HardFault error occurs.

I would start with the specific code parts involved.

I'm not much in Cube/RTOS code, but it sounds like a "stable" problem. Meaning consistent error at a single location.

Perhaps trying to access released/invalidated memory ?

Perhaps instrument malloc/free to make sure you don't have a memory leak, try to free memory twice, etc. Use a Hard Fault​ Handler that outputs diagnostic information.

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