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Best option to add an onboard ST-LINK to a new design


I am trying to build in some sort of JTAG debugger with my new design, very similar to how the discovery boards have built in ST-LINK.

I know over in the xilinx world Diligent sells a surface mount JTAG (look at JTAG-SMT2-NC) that can be incorperated in new design. Is there any similar in the STM32 world?


ST refuses to sell the 'F103 preprogrammed with the STLink bootloader (which is not public), so no, you can't have STLink on your board.


Missing a trick there, ATMEL/Microchip sell debug chips. @STOne-32​ 

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It depends upon what you want -- did you really mean jtag or swd ? What speed ? You could using the open source DAPlink software for swd, or the blackmagic code. What's your use case ?

The stlink usb protocol is a nice compromise between complexity and throughput and it would be nice if it were open.
