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how to get analog data from any ADCIN pin on STM32 nucleo L4R5ZI?

Associate II

Hello Team,

I am a beginner in STM32 .

Trying to implement a program which takes 0-3.3V on ADC pin and giving out PWM on a GPIO pin.

I tried implementing the Example of ADC_RegularConversion_Polling ,

But the problem facaed is on debug window it says target not found , error reading value on the variable .

Please guide with the steps.

I am building the program using MX cube and Atolic True Studio.

Kind Regards,


Associate II

I tried with an example from: ST\STM32CubeL4\NUCLEO-L4R5ZI\Examples\ADC\ADC_RegularConversion_Polling.

But there is an error in the program . it fails to build.

>>But there is an error in the program . it fails to build.

Error says what?

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