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Migration from STM32F479BI to STM32F779BI tips



we´re new to ST Cortex-M and consider using the STM32F479BI in our next projects. We would also like to plan for a future migration to M7. The STM32F479BI and STM32F779BI LQFP208 pinouts seem to fit quite well. The firmware would have to be adapted but with respect to the hardware/electronics, I would assume that we could exchange the controllers without modifying the PCB layout. Would this be correct? Are there any pitfalls and tips that we should take into consideration?





For commercial projects talk to the FAE out of the local sales office.

Things to watch are power pins whose use/position change, data sheets and reference manuals usually call these things out. VCAP requirements, POR_ON pin, VDDIO/VDDUSB, etc.

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Maybe marginal, but consumption/thermal issues may be different, too.

Also the AF to pins are not always mapped perfectly 1:1 across families. The "lower integration" modules such as timers, USARTs, I2C/SPI usually match but for example when investigating possible migration between (different than yours) 'F4 and 'F7, we've noticed striking difference in mapping SAI pins.

The most notable changes when moving from Cortex-M4 to Cortex-M7 is the absence of bit-banding, and the different bus structure, see TCM memories, the AXI and caches on it.