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which language supported ? or, how many language supported ? i.e.(c,c++, python, java,) and which IDE and tools use in stm32cortex m4,m7 ...?


i know only assembly or something in c,

but my friends using python, the python easy language.

so why i knowing which MPU supported language?????


It is an odd question because it not limited, pretty much anything with either a compiler or interpreter is going to be an option. ​People port languages they like, some may be popular and others may see little to no uptake.

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

C++: yes, supported.

STM32 chips that have enough memory can work with Micropython

If you don't know Python, it is definitely worth for you to look at. Very satisfying.

Other notable variant is Duktape - for these who prefers Javascrpt.

-- pa