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STM32F4 USB hid host - non boot protocol

Posted on September 17, 2013 at 00:48

Dear All,

Although this is my first post here, I am quite often reading forum, when I need to find solution for my problems.

Unfortunatley, this time I could not find the answer in existing threads for above problem:

I am trying to implement independent controller for multiaxis joystick. The plan is that stm32f4 will act as a ''bridge'' between USB hid and CAN bus.

My setup is as in the picture:

I have run mouse and keyboard hid host based on provided by stm examples without any problems. The problem is that library support only boot protocol as I understand, so only mouse- and keyboards-like devices. My multi-axis controller is non boot protocol device.

System is initializing ok, device is also recognized and enumerated, results received via uart terminal are as follow:

System Initializing... Done! System Ready Device Attached > Low speed device detected VID : 046Dh PID : C626h > HID device connected Manufacturer : 3Dconnexion Product : SpaceNavigator Serial Number : N/A Enumeration done! USBH_USR_UserInput! Device is not supported!

Last message is sent by stm32 after not passing above condition in usbh_hid_core.c src file:

''(...) if(pphost->device_prop.Itf_Desc[0].bInterfaceSubClass == HID_BOOT_CODE) { (...) } else {pphost->usr_cb->DeviceNotSupported();}''

Connected Axis controller is not boot protocol device - it is report protocol device. Its interfece descriptor is stated above:

As in report descriptor: data are being sent in 3 reports:

Report ID 01: 3x16 bit values of linear movements (X, Y, Z)

Report ID 02: 3x16 bit values of rotational movements (Rx, Ry, Rz)

Report ID 03: 1x8 bit value byte buttons state (Button)

Report ID 04: 1x8 bit value LED state report send to the device

Report IDs 05-11 are never sent in this version of usb device.

For better visualisation, below is a screen from USB sniffer application:

Has anyone experience or know how to receive data sent by usb hid non boot protocol device with several report ids?

I think not only me is interested in other than boot protocol hid devices implentation on stm32f4.

Best regards and thanks in advance for your help!

Associate II

Are you to solve the problem of reading full speed USB joystick using stm32 host library? If yes, provide me help,?