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Data output format of the LSM303DLHC

Posted on September 17, 2013 at 15:53


I have a question about the LSM303DLHC. In the data sheet i can't found any information about the output format for the acceleration and magnetic data. Therefore i thought it works with 16-bit values. While using the sensor I noticed that the acceleration data I get are wrong. After some search in the web and some test I recognized that the acceleration data are 12-bit left-justified and the magnetic data are 12-bit right-justified. The information I found on:

Now I hope anyone can confirm my experience?!

Greetings Oliver Lubritz

#accelerometer #lsm303dlhc-data-format #data
Thiago REIS
Associate II
Posted on September 18, 2013 at 17:53

Hello Oliver,

Yes, your experience is correct, the magnetometer data is right-justified and the accelerometer data is left�justified, in normal mode, the data is in 12�bit representation which means the lowest 4 bit in LSB are always 0s. In low power mode, the data is in 8�bit representation which means only MSB has real dataand LSB is always 00h.

I hope this clarifies your question, and please feel free to post any other topics that you would like to discuss.

Thank you,

Thiago Reis