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timer problem at low period value

Associate III
Posted on March 21, 2016 at 15:46

MCU: STM32F100C6T6 ; clocks: 12MHz external


I have configured TIM16 as follow

TIM_TimeBaseStructure3.TIM_Period = 5;//

TIM_TimeBaseStructure3.TIM_Prescaler = 12-1;//

TIM_TimeBaseStructure3.TIM_ClockDivision = 0;

TIM_TimeBaseStructure3.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;

TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM16, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure3);

in TIM16 interrupt a GPIO pin is toggled. 

It seems i can't get on scope waveforms smaller than ~ 20 microseconds, i was expecting 5 microseconds

But if i put Period=100 ( ARR register) i get 100 microseconds as expected; the period seems to the right one for period values bigger than the prescaler. value

Are there problems with timers at low period value

Posted on March 21, 2016 at 16:27

Are there problems with timers at low period value


Basically that interrupting at ridiculously high rates saturates the processor, so don't do that. If you want a timer to toggle a pin, let the TIMER do that, using say Toggle or PWM modes.

The ceiling on your part at this speed is perhaps a few hundred KHz, depending on how many instructions/clocks your code and the context switch take. Remember that this will still burn instructions doing useless work, and reduce those available for your other code to do meaningful work.

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Associate III
Posted on March 22, 2016 at 14:29

I forgot to mention that the main loop is just an infinite while(1){}; In interrupt the code is not complex, just toggle the pin. 

The code is more complex that that but I deactivated it when I had observed the timer  odd behaviour, but no change occured ; I still  cant get toggle periods smaller than ~20usec

Im using the toggle method for debugging my code, I m not actually trying to make that pin toggle. Is the MCU saturated in this conditions, with (allmost) no code to run?

In which conditions can I get the timer output the right count number using toggle?
Posted on March 22, 2016 at 14:53

The timer settings in your example fires every 72 instruction cycles.

Suggest you look at the cycles eaten by the context change, and for the assembler, and bus read/writes of the generated code.

You're not running fast enough to need flash wait states, but these will drag down most F1 designs.

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