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RF libraries available

Posted on January 24, 2014 at 15:07


I'm working on a university project where I will be developing a system on STM32F4 Discovery boards in Keil's IDE. The system will need multiple boards to communicate wirelessly with each other so I am in the process of finding a suitable RF module to pair up with the STM32's; I'm looking at things like the XBee, Hoperf's products etc.

I think choosing an RF module that already has libraries availble to use in Keil that are compatible with this board would make sense. Where do I need to be looking to find this out, or if anyone can tell me which RF modules have libraries availble to use in Keil that are compatible the the STM32 that would be fantastic!

Thanks for any help you can give,


#stm32f4 #rf #discovery
Posted on January 24, 2014 at 16:08

Well a bunch of these interface via a serial USART, there should be plenty of examples for those in the firmware examples and on the forum. In terms of the modules, you'd think there would be generic C solutions that abstract at the USART level. Look for those from the vendors, or on forum related to those parts.

From the STM32F4-DISCO perspective you can't use USART1 at PA9/PA10 as there is a large capacitor related to the USB implementation parked there.
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