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STM32F103 resetting

Associate II
Posted on October 10, 2016 at 09:35


I have an STM32F103RC8 controller board. I have two LEDs connected to two port bits. When I load a using flash loader demo program to toggle the LEDs the program works for a few seconds and the controller resets. If I put the boot 0 pin to boot from application the controller resets much faster. The program is very simple. Initialize GPIO port bits (only those connected to LEDs) and a while loop with a delay routine. What could be wrong? I am sure there is nothing in the program.  Thanks for your time and help.
Senior II
Posted on October 10, 2016 at 11:04

Hi nayani.partha, 

Please give more details :Which board you are using ? is there any external connections ?

Which version of flash loader you are using ? you file you load is a .hex ?

As first root , try to check your power supply if it is under specification.

As primary check , check if you hardware environment is ok :I recommend to run any ready-to-use  example in STM32CubeF1.
