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use dfsdm with parallel input

Associate II
Posted on March 11, 2018 at 16:38


I have get pdm data and want to use dfsdm to convert to PCM.

The test code is like below:


uint16_t *pdm_data=...

for (int i=0;i<pdm_size;i++)


hdfsdm1_channel1.Instance->CHDATINR = pdm_data[i];

ret = HAL_DFSDM_FilterPollForRegConversion(&hdfsdm1_filter0, 5);

if(ret == HAL_OK){

   printf('%d:', i);

  pcm_data = HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetRegularValue(&hdfsdm1_filter0, &channel);

  printf('filter value: %d, channel:%d\n', pcm_data, channel);




I think when i =4 ,the 

HAL_DFSDM_FilterGetRegularValue can get ok.

Because I set Oversampling=64, SincOrder =DFSDM_FILTER_SINC3_ORDER, so 4*16=64 bit can filter a 16 bit pcm value.

But the real is when i=196, the filter have the result.

when use DFSDM_FILTER_SINC2_ORDER, the i=131.

when use 


How dose it work? how many pdm bit to one pcm value when use the config?

The filter config:

hdfsdm1_filter0.Instance = DFSDM1_Filter0;

hdfsdm1_filter0.Init.RegularParam.Trigger = DFSDM_FILTER_SW_TRIGGER;

hdfsdm1_filter0.Init.RegularParam.FastMode = ENABLE;

hdfsdm1_filter0.Init.RegularParam.DmaMode = DISABLE;

hdfsdm1_filter0.Init.FilterParam.SincOrder = DFSDM_FILTER_SINC3_ORDER;

hdfsdm1_filter0.Init.FilterParam.Oversampling = 64;

hdfsdm1_filter0.Init.FilterParam.IntOversampling = 1;

The channel config:

hdfsdm1_channel1.Instance = DFSDM1_Channel1;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.OutputClock.Activation = DISABLE;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.OutputClock.Selection = DFSDM_CHANNEL_OUTPUT_CLOCK_SYSTEM;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.OutputClock.Divider = 50;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.Input.Multiplexer = DFSDM_CHANNEL_INTERNAL_REGISTER;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.Input.DataPacking = DFSDM_CHANNEL_STANDARD_MODE;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.Input.Pins = DFSDM_CHANNEL_SAME_CHANNEL_PINS;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.SerialInterface.Type = DFSDM_CHANNEL_SPI_RISING;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.SerialInterface.SpiClock = DFSDM_CHANNEL_SPI_CLOCK_EXTERNAL;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.Awd.FilterOrder = DFSDM_CHANNEL_FASTSINC_ORDER;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.Awd.Oversampling = 1;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.Offset = 0x00;

hdfsdm1_channel1.Init.RightBitShift = 0;
Posted on March 12, 2018 at 00:20

I don't understand your question, but maybe you should know that the parallel input is not PDM but regular PCM. Only the serial input - through pin - is PDM.


Posted on March 12, 2018 at 12:15

The reference manual said:

This digital data stream is sent into a DFSDM input

channel through a serial interface. DFSDM supports several standards to connect various

Σ∆ modulator outputs: SPI interface and Manchester coded 1-wire interface (both with

adjustable parameters). DFSDM module supports the connection of up to 8 multiplexed

input digital serial channels which are shared with up to 4 DFSDM modules. DFSDM

module also supports alternative parallel data inputs from up to 8 internal 16-bit data

channels (from microcontrollers memory).

So I think 

parallel data inputs is same as SPI interface or Manchester coded 1-wire interface.

PDM to PCM can use SPI, So I think parallel can also used to convert PDM to PCM.