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STM32F7 EVAL to DISCOVERY project conversion?

Associate II
Posted on August 11, 2015 at 17:48


I'm trying to see some lwip examples on the STM32F7 Discovery.

On that board, only one lwip application/example exists whereas for the EVAL board there are quite a few there covering many aspects of TCP/UDP/HTTP/etc in Cube library.

Is there a standard way to convert those EVAL application/examples to equivalents in Discovery board?

Thanks for any replies.


Posted on August 11, 2015 at 18:19

The classic way would be to review the pin/hardware differences between the two, and adapt/port the initialization/configuration code accordingly.

It's not however unreasonable to expect ST to provide an equally rich set of examples for the DISCO board, as it's built as a full feature system, and the Ethernet functionality isn't achieved through some third-party board, or user modification.

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Associate II
Posted on August 11, 2015 at 18:42

Hi Clive1

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I did give a try to the way you mentioned, yet it looks a bit difficult and time consuming since there are quite a few differences.

In my attempt I got lost in the lwip required changes and I finally gave up.

I do not know why ST ommited in  CubeF7 library the lwip Disco examples as in Eval.

Technology/Board-wise disco is absolutely capable of all of them without any addditional hw, strange!

I'm interested only in lwip examples and the LCD for now.

I know that the Disco has RMII so that should be one difference and the LCD I think is different, Disco's is 18bit Eval's 24bit.

Anyway, if there is a simple point-by-point overview guide on how to do the conversion I could give it a go.


Posted on November 02, 2015 at 16:08

Did you have any look with this,

I'm looking for the same

Before i give this idea up for dead and try a different platform ?