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Error while erasing flash ROM

Posted on February 18, 2016 at 06:56

I am using STM32F427IG microcontroller. The Flash Rom is connected to the FMC Controller.  I am getting error when I tried to erase a sector of flash memory. The error status flags- PGSERR, PGPERR was set. It worked fine when I cleared this error flags and tried again.  

This error exists when I tried to erase again. So everytime, I need to clear the status flag and have to try again. 
Posted on February 18, 2016 at 09:00

> I am using STM32F427IG microcontroller. The Flash Rom is connected to the FMC Controller.

So, you have an external FLASH connected to the mcu? What kind of it?

> I am getting error when I tried to erase a sector of flash memory. The error status flags- PGSERR, PGPERR was set.

These flags are related to *internal* memory, not to external memory connected through FMC.


Posted on February 18, 2016 at 09:31

Sorry, I was wrong.  We are using the internal flash. 

Associate II
Posted on February 18, 2016 at 11:05

Could you unlock the flash successfully. Not sure about your part number but I think that you cant erase a sector, you only can erase complete page.

So the better way to erase a sector is first read the complete page content. keep that in RAM(buffer). Edit the desired sector location in RAM. Erase the page and write the updated RAM(buffer).


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Posted on February 18, 2016 at 19:40

You're doing something wrong, what exactly that is is hard to know from your presentation of the problem. Refine your presentation.

Show you code, ideally a sufficiently complete example, that demonstrates the failure.

The erase on the F4 takes a block number, not an address.

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