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STM32 Cube F3 Problem - Embedded Bootloader with USART1

Associate II
Posted on January 08, 2016 at 10:37

With the new version of STM32Cube I have the problem that pins PC4 and PC5 are assigned to the the USART1 interface by default. When I'am right it must be used pins PA9 and PA10 for the embedded bootloader. I use the STM32F303VC. With an older version of STM32Cube the assignment was correct.

#stm32 #cube #bootloader #f3
Posted on January 08, 2016 at 13:50

There's no requirement for the boot loader to use the same pins as the application, PA9/PA10 could come to test points, and PC4/PC5 to an active serial device like a modem.

Pretty sure you can change the pin assignments in CubeMX, and designing a board still requires you to read and understand the ramifications described in the manuals.

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Associate II
Posted on January 11, 2016 at 11:01

In the application note AN2606 (DocID13801 Rev 25)

there are explicitly named the following pins :

USART1 bootloader

USART1_RX pin Input PA10 pin: USART1 in reception mode

USART1_TX pin Output PA9 pin: USART1 in transmission mode