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Using PB7/6 port of STMF051

Associate III
Posted on July 15, 2016 at 02:51


I configured USART1 to PA9/10. And I want to use PB6/7 to GPIO.

First I initial the USART1 function(using PA9/10), and works well(putchar works well). But when I initial PB6/7 to GPIO by GPIO_Init() function, USART1 function does not work at this moment.

PB6/7 can be configured USART1 also. I think something is related this.

Please help me.


Posted on July 15, 2016 at 02:56

Perhaps you should show the code, it might be more apparent then what the problem actually is...

Is this on some specific board, if so state which and the connectivity.

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Senior II
Posted on July 15, 2016 at 13:21

Hi sangdo.lee,

Check GPIO_Init configuration, if you are not assigning the PB6/PB7 to UASRT1 AF also. As mentionned in STM32F0xx reference manual , part 8.3.2 I/O pin alternate function multiplixer and mapping:


The device I/O pins are connected to on-board peripherals/modules through a multiplexer that allows only one peripheral alternate function (AF) connected to an I/O pin at a time. In this way, there can be no conflict between peripherals available on the same I/O pin.


If it is the casen PA9/PA10 no more assigned to USART1 but PB6/7 instead.


Associate III
Posted on July 17, 2016 at 12:46

Hi, Hannibal,

I had a mistake to call GPIO_Init, passing ridiculous parameter for GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx ...

THX for help
