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error: no target connected for STM32L031F6P6

Posted on September 21, 2016 at 11:30

We are using STM32 L0 series controllers (STM32L031F6P6, STM32L051R6T6) in our new product design.

We are using STLink-V2 debugger with Keil IDE to program and debug the target. In the process we are not able to communicate with

STM32L031F6P6, we are getting the following error message ''no target connected''.

But we are able to program and debug the other controller STM32L051R6T6.

Please let us know how to resolve the issue.

#too-vague #stm32l031f6p6 #stm32l051r6t6
Posted on September 21, 2016 at 12:55


Have you followed this ST-LINK


Try connect under reset and check that the reset pin is connected properly?


Posted on September 21, 2016 at 17:38

Please let us know how to resolve the issue.

Perhaps you can start by describing the connectivity you've designed on this board, we have no idea. Are both these chips together on the same board? Is it one board built with either one chip or the other?

Think about how you are framing the question, have you provided enough technical detail for it to be understood and replicated?

The failure could be the device are not actually starting, or that you are not powering the buffers on the ST-LINK properly. Make sure you are starting with the most current drivers and firmware, and confirm observations with the current release of the ST-LINK Utilities.

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