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main flash for code and data

Associate II
Posted on January 08, 2005 at 13:34

main flash for code and data

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05


I use the uPSD3234a.

I have a problem with the page memory configuration.

I used to have all my code on the boot flash.

and use page 0 and 1 for data.

now since my code got larger, I set page 0 and 1

to contain some of my code. The program runs good.

however the method I used before for writing parameter

to a page doesn't work any more.

I think it is because now both flashs are set to ''Program Space Only'' (the pogram does not run in any other way)

in the PSDsoft Express.

here is how I used it before:

here are the access addreses codes:

PSD8xx_reg.PAGE = 0x02;// flash sector 0 selected

FLASH_COM_X555 = (uchar xdata *)(FLASH_PARAM_ADDR + 0x0555);

FLASH_COM_XAAA = (uchar xdata *)(FLASH_PARAM_ADDR + 0x0AAA);

FLASH_COM_X000 = (uchar xdata *)(FLASH_PARAM_ADDR);

then for example erase sector code

*(FLASH_COM_X555) = 0xAA; // unlock main flash, write 0xAA to addess 0xX555

*(FLASH_COM_XAAA) = 0x55; // unlock main flash, write 0x55 to addess 0xXAAA

*(FLASH_COM_X555) = 0x80; // write 0x80 command to erase entire chip

*(FLASH_COM_X555) = 0xAA; // continue unlock sequence

*(FLASH_COM_XAAA) = 0x55; // continue unlock sequence

*(FLASH_COM_X000) = 0x30; // write 0x30 command to erase 1 sector

should I use the PAGE register differently?

or should I use a different type now for the address instead of ''xdata''?

Thank you.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05


I corrected this problem by setting the PSDSoft to

''Program and Data Space'' for main

flash programing of a page is possible and storing code

on other pages.

my question is if there is a way to define a pointer to

a specific page, so by accessing the pointer the page register

will change automatcaly?

I tried enabling in uVision2 the far type, but all the banking configuration has reseted, and the extended linker

has errors.

I don't think there is another way, maybe pdata.

[ This message was edited by: std on 29-12-2004 13:05 ]

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05


I was searching ST's site for a multi-paging demo and I couldn't find one for the dk3200. BUT I did find one for the dk3300, which is almost identical to the 3200. This demo provides seemless page-to-page function calls and more.

dk3200 & dk3300 demo's are here:

The banking demo is called: dk33dsn4 (i think).

This is pretty much a hello world app, but it uses all 8 pages. Simply make the necessary mods to run this on the dk3200 instead.

Hope I could help.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05

HCONST can be mapped to the banked area.

but HDATA ca not!! so how can I write to main flash without specifying

the page value first????