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Aplication downloaded from bootloader

Associate II
Posted on June 01, 2007 at 09:22

Aplication downloaded from bootloader

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 09:43

I found that aplication downloaded from bootloader(writen by me)

RCLK = fMSTR = fPLL = 96Mhz

not work when aplication compiled(FMICLK = RCLK)

but work when aplication compiled(FMICLK = RCLK/2)

It seems like after writing to flash( clock was limited to

RCLK = fMSTR = fPLL = 48Mhz , FMICLK = RCLK/2 ) aplication also

can not work on maximum FMICLK)

Is it a silicon limitation ?

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 09:43

Hi kesart,

I have the same experience with application loaded by bootloader.

For FMICLK=96MHz the FMI_ReadWaitState must =FMI_READ_WAIT_STATE_3

and FMI_WriteWaitState must =FMI_WRITE_WAIT_STATE_1.

This is set by FMI_Config function prior to switching the MCLK

to PLL at 96MHz.

Problem is, that the ST's Software Library has a bug in 91x_fmi.c right

in FMI_Config.

So originally the processor stucks just in moment of executing the FMI_Config(......) in newly downloaded application in Bank0.

Here is the corrected fuction:

void FMI_Config(u16 FMI_ReadWaitState, u32 FMI_WriteWaitState, u16 FMI_PWD,u16 FMI_LVDEN, u16 FMI_FreqRange)


/* Configure the write wait state value */

if (FMI_WriteWaitState == FMI_WRITE_WAIT_STATE_1)








/* Write a write flash configuration register command */

*(vu16 *)0x80000 = 0x60;

/* Configure the flash configuration register */

*(vu16 *)(0x80000|FMI_ReadWaitState|FMI_PWD|FMI_LVDEN|FMI_FreqRange) = 0x03;


It works either booting from Bank0 or Bank1.

I wish the software library from ST will be soon updated.


Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 09:43

Most likely you have overlooked, that boot and non-boot banks have exchanged places.

In Keil it is necessary to correct Flash Configuration Register initialization:

; Write ''Write flash configuration'' command (60h)


MOV R1, #0x60

STRH R1, [R0, #0]

; Write ''Write flash configuration confirm'' command (03h)


ADD R0, R0, R2

MOV R1, #0x03

STRH R1, [R0, #0]

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 09:43

I apologize to ST, the reason for not functioning the FMI_Config was due to wrong configuration of my ST library, not the bug in the library itself.

I'm using RIDE and have selected the using of ST libraries (STRx-LIB).

The library is probably compiled for booting from Bank0 and when booting from Bank1 the FMI_Config hangs.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 09:43

Hi AlexandrY,

Please answer me.

I also think that this is the exactly the problem.

But in my aplication that must be downloaded via bootloader

i disable the Flash Memory Interface (FMI) option because i use

software remaping before jump to aplication. That is why

this line : LDR R0, =FMI_BBADR_Val ;

not compatible

i prefer to use it in such way. Is there any way not to disable

Flash Memory Interface (FMI) option ? And to use it exactly

as you wrote.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 09:43

My programs perfectly work on 96 MHz without disabling EMI check box in Keil startup both in the loader and in an application.

I have written the loading program using an example from ST but without use of their libraries.

However procedures of work with FLASH in my program are executed from RAM