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STM32 and ftdi2232D

Associate II
Posted on February 23, 2009 at 13:23

STM32 and ftdi2232D

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:03

I'd like to suggest an alternative. (My perspective: past Univ educator now small - hi-tech bsns. owner)

My firm hires engineering/programming students and often see this student behavior. IMHO - your project should ''focus'' on solving real problems - creating better value - using the STM32 AND your inventive programming. It should not be ''complicated/mis-directed'' into a, ''eliminate the JTAG exercise!'' (any serious bsns should have multiple JTAGs - they are superior to the solution you seek)

The STM32 (102 & 103) include a USB port - STM provides a CDC library with code examples - eliminating completely the expense, added size and complexity caused by the additional device. My firm - most clients look at ''solution'' you've presented as NOT ''best/brightest.'' I believe your ''extra/second'' chip USB design makes sense ''only'' when an existing Uart design seeks to extend to USB. This does not appear to be your case - and ALL time/effort/expense subtracts from that available for your central purpose.

Surely a university has JTAG devices. Further - several students can ''chip-in'' - and purchase 1 or 2 JTAGs for group use - I suspect at a nice discount. My firms/others really like to see such resourcefulness...

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:03


I am a student currently working on a small project at my university about robotics. Currently we have been using the stm32 performance stick and the protoboard to develop and test our code. Now it is slowly the time to create our own pcb.

Most of the stuff is not much of a problem to figure out. The only problem I have right now is how to connect the ftdi2232D to act as a USB->JTAG bridge for the stm32 chip. We wanted to use that chip so that the flashing is virtually the same as flashing the perforancestick. (in terms of drivers and software really). We use openocd. Also, we want to avoid using directly JTAG.

I would think that one has to connect the ftdi somehow similar one would connect a regular JTAG programmer (if not the same way). Could anyone point me into the right direction on how to do this? I went briefly through google and the datasheets but I might have missed something.

Any help is much much appreciated

Associate III
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:03

I would use the FTDI part on UART1, then use the STM Flash Loader application to download. You need a switch / button on the BOOT0 pin to bring the part out of reset into the bootloader.

Should be dead easy.
