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TIM repetition counter

Associate II
Posted on May 21, 2010 at 07:05

TIM repetition counter

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:51

Hi benison,

For example in upcounting mode:

if the repetition counter is equal to 0, the update event is generated at each overflow.

if repetition counter is equal to 1, the update event is generated at each 2 consecutive overflows.




if repetition counter is equal to 255, the update event is generated at each 256 consecutive overflows.

That's what I have understood when I have used this feature. Thanks to correct me if you find something else.

You can find in the reference manual a figure that explains this. Refer to

''Update rate examples depending on mode and TIMx_RCR register

settings'' (or something like this).

MCU Lüfter,

be low power