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Eclipse gdb error ''Don't know how to run. Try ''help target'' ''

Associate II
Posted on June 23, 2010 at 03:17

Eclipse gdb error 'Don't know how to run. Try 'help target' '

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:55

A google search for this error indicates an issue with gdb when pathnames have a space. This does not seem to be the case here as both projects are in the same Projects folder.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:55

In regard to warning; ''not enough working area available(requested 8192, free 8144)''

The following post explains that this is expected because flash algorithm uses 48 bytes.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:55

I found that the gdb run command was not complete, my cut and paste error. Now updated to the following;

target remote localhost:3333


symbol-file main.out


monitor soft_reset_halt


monitor flash erase_sector 0 0 31


monitor flash write_image main.bin 0x08000000


thbreak main





I no longer get the original error and gdb seems to keep running. Looks like I may have a program error as it goes to the hardfault handler with gdb console;

Info:    server.c:78 add_connection(): accepting 'gdb' connection from 0


Warning: gdb_server.c:416 gdb_get_packet_inner(): acknowledgment received, but no packet pending


User:    target.c:1838 handle_soft_reset_halt_command(): requesting target halt and executing a soft reset


User:    gdb_server.c:574 gdb_output(): erased sectors 0 through 31 on flash bank 0 in 1.029602s


Warning: target.c:853 target_alloc_working_area(): not enough working area available(requested 8192, free 8144)


User:    gdb_server.c:574 gdb_output(): wrote 11262 byte from file main.bin in 1.451803s (7.575440 kb/s)


Error:   cortex_swjdp.c:222 swjdp_transaction_endcheck(): SWJ-DP STICKY ERROR


Error:   cortex_swjdp.c:236 swjdp_transaction_endcheck(): dcb_dhcsr 0x30003, nvic_shcsr 0x20000, nvic_cfsr 0x1, nvic_bfar 0xe000edf8


Error:   cortex_swjdp.c:222 swjdp_transaction_endcheck(): SWJ-DP STICKY ERROR


Error:   cortex_swjdp.c:236 swjdp_transaction_endcheck(): dcb_dhcsr 0x30003, nvic_shcsr 0x20000, nvic_cfsr 0x1, nvic_bfar 0xe000edf8


Warning: cortex_swjdp.c:703 ahbap_read_buf_u32(): Block read error address 0xfffffff0, count 0x1


Error:   gdb_server.c:1024 gdb_error(): unexpected error -107

Now need to decipher the above error....