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Flash write problem! Help

Associate II
Posted on November 12, 2011 at 06:53

In the application we are using stm32f103zet6 high density ARM controller. We r trying to write array of data to flash memory. We r just able to write 4 words with ProgramHalfWord function,

my program segment goes like this

//some of the macros listed  

//Embedded Flash Configuration

#define __EFI_ACR_Val             0x00000012

/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Flash Access Control Register bits */

#define ACR_LATENCY_Mask         ((u32)0x00000038)

#define ACR_HLFCYA_Mask          ((u32)0xFFFFFFF7)

#define ACR_PRFTBE_Mask          ((u32)0xFFFFFFEF)

/* Delay definition */   

#define EraseTimeout             ((u32)0x00000FFF)

#define ProgramTimeout           ((u32)0x0000000F)

    Addr = 0x08010000;//32nd page address

    for(k=0;(k<40 && FLASHStatus == FLASH_COMPLETE);k = k+1)//loop for 40 32bit memory data


    T.val = DB9[k];//DB9[] is array of u32 type

    data = T.bytes.lowByte;    //data is u16 type, used union to split 32 bit data //lower 16 bits

    FLASHStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWord(Addr, data);            //    

    Addr = Addr + 2;//increment address by 2

    while(FLASHStatus != FLASH_COMPLETE);//wait until FLASH_COMPLETE

    data = T.bytes.highByte;////data is u16 type, used union to split 32 bit data //higher 16 bits

    FLASHStatus = FLASH_ProgramHalfWord(Addr, data);            //

    Addr = Addr + 2;

    while(FLASHStatus != FLASH_COMPLETE);//wait until FLASH_COMPLETE


My controller is operated with 72MHz

Any problem with Erase timeout or program timeout?

Posted on November 12, 2011 at 14:50

data = T.bytes.lowByte;    //data is u16 type, used union to split 32 bit data //lower 16 bit

Why would you refer to a 16-bit value in a union as a ''byte''


while(FLASHStatus != FLASH_COMPLETE);//wait until FLASH_COMPLETE

What exactly happens with your while() loops? Because FLASHStatus isn't going to magically change.

The code will lock up and fail if the memory is not erased (word = 0xFFFF prior to write).

You don't use the timeouts, but look to be hard coded values. For accurate timing loops, consider using the core cycle counter.

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