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STM32F107 ans ST100 PHY

Associate II
Posted on September 28, 2011 at 15:10

Hello @ all,

I have acquired a Reva Board with STM32 daughter board ( ). Raisonance don't provide some Ethernet examples for their board, so I started to port the LwIP IAP Demo for ST3210C to the Reva board. I must say I am new with this controller and I have no experience with Ethernet PHY's.

There are the steps which I have tried:

- checked the IO's between STM32 and PHY (st3210C uses an other PHY), the IO initialization seems to be correct

- initialized the Ethernet interface in MII mode

- flatten the whole app (no buttons, no ST3210-C Code, just LwIP, printf and http server App)

- used HSE for MCO Clock (25Mhz) to feed the PHY

- used Static IP and DHCP


Running the code brings not the desired result. Y-LED is blinking what means a collision is available but the biggest problem is, I have tried to read the ST100 register, but have got just ''ones''

Here is the main code:

int main(void)


    int PhyVar, c;


    /* Setup STM32 system (clocks, Ethernet, GPIO, NVIC) and STM3210C-EVAL resources */




    printf(''\r\nSystem initialisiert'');

    /* Initilaize the LwIP stack */


    /* Initilaize the webserver module */



    for(c = 0; c < 20; c++) {

        PhyVar = ETH_ReadPHYRegister(0x01, c);

        printf(''\r\nReg %d: \t %d'', c, PhyVar);


    /* Infinite loop */

    while (1)


      /* check if any packet received */

      if (ETH_GetRxPktSize()!=0)


        /* process received eth packet */




        GPIOE->ODR ^= GPIO_Pin_10;

      /* Periodic tasks */



  return 0;


Here is the initialization for the Ethernet connection:

Reva STM32 daughter board is very easy, they are n jumpers to connect the PHY and the uC. Do someone has an idea what could be wrong, especially why i can read just ones from the PHY. IO's seems to be well initialized in the code.
