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STM32W, nBOOT with Flash Loader Demo, not working

Associate III
Posted on August 08, 2013 at 05:42

I have built a circuit with a STM32W108CZ, it has a jumper for me to activate nBOOT

I activate nBOOT and reset. I turn on Flash Loader Demonstrator, using 115200 baud.

The demo sends 0x7F, and the microcontroller sends back 0x79 (observed on o'scope and logic analyzer, baud rates are correct), and then the demo says ''cannot get available commands, please, try to change Echo selection, reset your device and try again''

Of course, I try over and over again but it never works

How do I get Flash Loader Demonstrator to work with STM32W?

Associate III
Posted on August 11, 2013 at 00:21

Help? I can't find any documentation regarding the protocol

The Flash Loader Demo works with a STM32F2 circuit I just made but not the STM32W

Posted on August 12, 2013 at 00:17

Not sure there is much experience with the STM32W on the forum here. It's not a part I'm using. In terms of the other loaders, I would just make sure you're using even parity. Try either 9600 8E1 or 115200 8E1 and send some hex commands with your favorite terminal app (RealTerm?).

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Associate II
Posted on August 12, 2013 at 10:11

Maybe you can give it a try with

instead of the Flash loader tool.

Associate III
Posted on August 13, 2013 at 00:02

ohhh you know what, on the o'scope I didn't see the parity bit, but turning it off made it work, but that's so weird considering that the specs says that the parity bit should be on

is this a bug in the ROM?

Associate III
Posted on August 13, 2013 at 00:08

sloader-host's documentation is kind of lacking, I don't even know how to specify my com port correctly

I did

sloadhost-stm32.exe --serialdev COM20

but it gave me back

serial_init on COM20 failed, exiting

their website is pretty much empty

Flash Loader Demo just plain doesn't have STM32W inside it's internal list of supported chips... I tried loading a HEX but it says ''address not allowed'' because it can't load the list of allowed addresses

I think I need to write a custom bootloader host app...

Associate II
Posted on August 13, 2013 at 09:36

Look at the Sloadhost_.bat there's the most you need to know.

Sloadhost.exe --serialdev COM1: --baudrate 115200 --getid --globalerase --loadfile out\SolarSW.bin --write 0x08000000

Or els run Sloadhost.exe without option for help.

Associate III
Posted on August 14, 2013 at 06:36

the problem was COM28 must be written as \\.\COM28

works perfectly with the STM32F205RG but with the STM32W it gives me

Got autobaud ack in autobaudstart()

... got 2 data bytes from get_command, waiting for an ACK

didn't get ACK after data in get_id, exiting

So I still think I'm going to have to do a custom job with a bit of reverse engineering