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How can I program another MCU on external board with SWD

Posted on October 11, 2012 at 17:02

Hi everyone I did an application board which is containing stm32f405rgt6 but I'm not programming it with stm32f4discovery. I removed the 2 jumpers on cn3 and I did what manifacturer say in ST User Manual UM1457 at page 15. ST-Link Utility is giving warning of ''Cannot Connect The Device''. Where am I wrong? I'm going to upload circuit when I go to the home..

Posted on October 11, 2012 at 17:55

I think these things have been discussed here before. I'd search the forum too, but it's such a PITA.

The error you have is one of basic unresponsiveness.

My general thoughts and suggestions would be to double check the power/ground and reset configurations. VDDA being of particular import, as it is thresholded and will clamp the device in reset. The VCAP pins/caps on the F4 also should be checked.
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Posted on October 11, 2012 at 21:19

And, of course, I would re-check the SWD cable to the external board.

It is probably self-made.

Posted on December 31, 2012 at 09:51

I've sold the problem but I was late to write it. I'm sorry. My issue is connecting SWD with JTAG's 5v1 zeners together on the target board. When I removed the 5V1 zeners issue was solved. I've put the two of connection (JTAG and SWD) to my circuit to be equal to the occasion but now I remove JTAG on my board. Thanks a lot. Sorry for late reply