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STM32F0 flash programming

Posted on October 15, 2012 at 12:50

Dear friends.

I'm making a program for STM32F051R8 (STM320518-EVAL).

And I was using ST-Link.

But, When I was write program that use USART2 (PA14/15),

I can not connect to the target by ST-Link.

I have tried FlashLoaderDemo V2.5, but it did not work for F0.

I want to write a new program to the target.

Please tell me another way.

Thank you.


Associate II
Posted on October 15, 2012 at 14:39

If you could distill your program down to something small that has the same failure symptoms and then post the program, I (and probably others) could try to reproduce the problem and perhaps come up with a solution.  I have the STM32F0Discovery board so my results may not be helpful for you.  I'm using OpenOCD 0.6 and the CodeSourcery Lite tools (on both WinXP and Fedora16).

Posted on October 15, 2012 at 15:21

If you could distill your program down to something small that has the same failure symptoms and then post the program, I (and probably others) could try to reproduce the problem and perhaps come up with a solution.

The problem as expressed by the OP is that PA15 USART2_TX conflicts with the SWD's SWCLK pin, and thus kills the debug options.

PA2, PA3 may be a better pin choice for USART2 operation.

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