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STM32L-Discovery - ITM_SendChar lost chars

Posted on March 12, 2017 at 23:30


I used to use the ITM_SendChar with STM32F3 Discovery board in the past with no problem.


Now I wanted get an text output from another VCOM-less board - the STM32L-Discovery.

I configured the ST-LINK debugger the regular way for ITM:

XTAL=2Mhz (sourced from the ST-LINK MCU)

Core Clock=2Mhz, Trace Enable, ITM Stimulus Port:0, Unchecked Trace Events to reduce load

and re-targeted the putc() to ITM_SendChar().

Unfortunately the output is not reliable. I use Keil Debug PrintViewer as the SWV terminal:

Counter: 0

Counter: 1 ounter: 2 Counter: 3 Counter: 4 ounter: 5 ounter: 6 Counter: 7 Counter: Counter: 9 Counter: 10 Counter: 1 Counter: 12


I added some delay in-between the consequtive ITM_SendChar() calls but did not succede.

See simple example of failing code:

#include 'stm32l1xx.h'
#include 'stdio.h'
#include 'string.h'
struct __FILE {
 int dummy;
FILE __stdout;
int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
volatile uint32_t msTicks=0, last_msTicks=0; // counts 1ms timeTicks - global var also good for debugging
uint32_t counter=0;
void SysTick_Handler(void) {
void ITM_PrintString(char *msg)
int k;
int ll=strlen(msg);
#define PERIOD1000
int main(void)
SystemCoreClockUpdate ();// to update SystemCoreClock var - add SystemCoreClock to Watch to see exact value used
SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/1000);// systick setup
while (1) {
printf('Counter: %d\n\r', counter);

Please share any idea I would try to narrow down the issue.


Posted on March 12, 2017 at 23:39

Please notice that the output messages from the printf() is generated every 1000ms (not so often).

Posted on March 13, 2017 at 10:54

Not sure I've seen the L1 do this. Make sure you have most current firmware on the ST-LINK side.

Pretty sure the HSE input is 8 MHz from the ST-LINK. 

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