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STM32F3Discovery, replaced MCU with STM32F407VGT6

Posted on March 21, 2013 at 00:23


I have a STM32F3Discovery eval. board which I used to build an IMU controlled by a computer through Graphical User Interface. This is an excellent board (9 Degrees of Freedom) and it is a good way to start.

I have been curious about the Micro Framework from Microsoft but it requires at least 64KB of RAM.

However the STM32F3 has only 48KB. Therefore, I decided to replace the current MCU with one that can fit the Micro Framework. I picked the STM32F407VGT6 for many reasons. One important reason is that it is entirely pin-compatible.

I tried to download a demonstration code of the STM32F407VGT6 and I got a message telling:

Fatal error: ST-Link, No MCU device found   Session aborted! 

Failed to load flash loader

Things worked fine before I replaced the micro. 

The datasheet of the evaluation board says that the ST-Link can program any STM32 micro, so my change should work, right? What is the reason of the message?

I am using IAR for ARM.

Posted on March 21, 2013 at 01:31

Things worked fine before I replaced the micro.  The datasheet of the evaluation board says that the ST-Link can program any STM32 micro, so my change should work, right? What is the reason of the message?

Perhaps that you are shorting VCAP_1 to ground, and VCAP_2 isn't wired correctly either?
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Posted on March 21, 2013 at 08:07

Therefore, I decided to replace the current MCU with one that can fit the Micro Framework.


Instead of messing with the PCB, I would have used the STM32F4 Discovery, together with the MKI108V2 - there:

This is essentially the same sensor combination, only on an external board.