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Custom Bootloader STM32L151x

Arnaud Joubert
Associate II
Posted on February 17, 2017 at 17:17

Hi community,

I would like to know if it's possible to create my own bootloader for STM32L151x.

Where I could find info about it? Some code? Built-in code..?

Thanks in advance.


#bootloader #stm32l151 #custom
Posted on February 17, 2017 at 17:28

This is probably the wrong forum, you should post into the STM32 forum rather than the community

As a developer you can code whatever solutions you want, and sub-divide the available flash into loaders and applications at your discretion. The compilers/linkers will do what you instruct them.

Boot loaders are not unique to the STM32, there should be a long history of examples and concepts out there spanning a few decades.

The built-in System Loader and protocol for the STM32 is documented, review those and associated app notes. Commonly described as ISP (In-System Programming)

There are a number of IAP (In-Application Programming) examples for the STM32 family using USART, Ethernet, USB Flash, etc. Avail yourself of those resources and review.

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Khouloud GARSI
Lead II
Posted on February 20, 2017 at 10:24




I advise you to have a look at

. This application note is provided with a firmware '

' that implements the same protocol of the internal UART bootloader.

This may help you to develop your own bootloader.

Also you should refer to

; whichpresents the general concept of the bootloader on the STM32 devices.
