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STemWin update from 5.32 to 5.40 cuts off screen

Todor Todorov
Associate II
Posted on January 31, 2018 at 00:24

Hello everyone,

I have a weird problem after upgrading to the latest ST board support package for STM32F4 - 1.19.0.  My screens get blacked out/cut off by two thirds (see attached pictures)0690X0000060430QAA.jpg

The screenshot above was taken when linking to STemWin 5.32


This is how it looks when using STemWin 5.40.

Within my project I replaced the library code under Middlewares/ST/STemWin and linked to the new object file STemWin540_CM4_OS_GCC_ot.a.  My own DMA2D, LTDC, ili9341.c, GUIConf.c and LCDConf.c did not change.

Any idea what might be going on?
