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Problems with CubeMX and MDK-ARM

Riccardo Mereu
Posted on June 15, 2017 at 21:54


I'm trying to develop my own libraries to use a lux sensor MAX44009 with an STM32L476RG-Nucleo. I've modified the example I2C_TwoBoards_ComPolling and using its configuration I was able to set up and read the values even using interrupt of the sensor. Now I would use no more the I2C3 but I want to change on the I2C1. I try to generate the code through CubeMX. But I have some problems, first of all CubeMX doesn't generates/includes the library stm32l4xx_nucleo.h and trying to include stm32l4xx_hal_conf.h (generated by CubeMX) I have this error compiling with the MDK-ARM v5:

../Inc/MAX44009.h(37): error: &sharp20: identifier 'HAL_StatusTypeDef' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef getLux(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle, float *luxVal);

../Inc/MAX44009.h(37): error: &sharp20: identifier 'I2C_HandleTypeDef' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef getLux(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle, float *luxVal);

../Inc/MAX44009.h(38): error: &sharp20: identifier 'HAL_StatusTypeDef' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef getInterruptStatus(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle, uint8_t *IT_Status);

../Inc/MAX44009.h(38): error: &sharp20: identifier 'I2C_HandleTypeDef' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef getInterruptStatus(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle, uint8_t *IT_Status);

../Inc/MAX44009.h(38): error: &sharp20: identifier 'uint8_t' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef getInterruptStatus(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle, uint8_t *IT_Status);

../Inc/MAX44009.h(39): error: &sharp20: identifier 'HAL_StatusTypeDef' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef setInterruptStatus(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle, uint8_t *IT_Status);

../Inc/MAX44009.h(39): error: &sharp20: identifier 'I2C_HandleTypeDef' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef setInterruptStatus(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle, uint8_t *IT_Status);

../Inc/MAX44009.h(39): error: &sharp20: identifier 'uint8_t' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef setInterruptStatus(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle, uint8_t *IT_Status);

../Inc/MAX44009.h(57): error: &sharp20: identifier 'HAL_StatusTypeDef' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef setThreshold_Lux(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle,

../Inc/MAX44009.h(57): error: &sharp20: identifier 'I2C_HandleTypeDef' is undefined

HAL_StatusTypeDef setThreshold_Lux(I2C_HandleTypeDef I2cHandle,

../Inc/MAX44009.h(58): error: &sharp20: identifier 'uint8_t' is undefined

uint8_t int_e ,

../Inc/MAX44009.h(59): error: &sharp20: identifier 'uint8_t' is undefined

uint8_t config ,

../Inc/MAX44009.h(60): error: &sharp20: identifier 'uint8_t' is undefined

uint8_t thr_upper,

../Inc/MAX44009.h(61): error: &sharp20: identifier 'uint8_t' is undefined

uint8_t thr_lower,

../Inc/MAX44009.h(62): error: &sharp20: identifier 'uint8_t' is undefined

uint8_t thr_timer);

Instead if I try to include manually on my library stm32l4xx_hal_i2c.h I receive errors on the files of the folder STM32L4XX_HAL_Driver

Could anyone give me some advices of what I'm doing wrong?

#cubemx #i2c #mdk-armv5 #sensor
Frederic REMY
Associate II
Posted on June 16, 2017 at 11:31


I have the same error with a simple project from STCubeMX creator !

I tested compilation on Keil MDK-ARM 5.06 and System Workbench for STM32 from AC6 with the same result and error.

My solution is to modify all module header used in your project like this :

Insert the declaration of next typedef :

#ifndef _HAL_StatusTypeDef

#define _HAL_StatusTypeDef

 typedef enum


   HAL_OK       = 0x00,

   HAL_ERROR    = 0x01,

   HAL_BUSY     = 0x02,

   HAL_TIMEOUT  = 0x03

 } HAL_StatusTypeDef;


#ifndef _HAL_LockTypeDef

#define _HAL_LockTypeDef

 typedef enum


   HAL_UNLOCKED = 0x00,

   HAL_LOCKED   = 0x01



located in stm32f0xx_hal_def.h  file, in all HAL library ModuleName.h file you need in your project.

And don't forget to comment theses typdef in original file stm32f0xx_hal_def.h.

It's work very well for me.

It seems to be an issue in ARM  compiler !