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STM32F100VCT6 and PB3

Rick Hamilton
Associate II
Posted on August 11, 2017 at 10:18

Hi All.

On my latest project I am using STM32F100VCT6 and PB3.  I am using this Pin as a quadrature encoder input for Timer 2 combined with PA15.  I can not get the encoder to work.  I tried setting PB3 up as an interrupt and it does not work, but PA15 does, I then tried setting PB3 as a GPIO and it does not work and PA15 does?????  I thought the CPU was faulty so swapped it and still noting from PB3.  The input signal is 5V peak to peak, but the datasheet states that pin is 5 Volt tolerant . 

I have produced more than 20 designs using various STM32 processors never had this problem before.

Posted on August 11, 2017 at 13:37


the default state of PB3  after reset is as JTDO.


So you need to remap it to PB3

Read the

Posted on August 11, 2017 at 14:45

Enable the AFIO clock, and then free up the debugger pins

RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO, ENABLE);

GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_Disable, ENABLE);


GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_JTAGDisable, ENABLE);


The HAL has something similar


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Posted on August 13, 2017 at 10:25

Hi All,

Huge thanks for the responses, very helpful.

I used the Cube to configure the 'PINS'.  SYS is set to 'NO DEBUG' so I assumed it would handle things like setting the functions to alternatives and disabling the JTAG.

I think this should be included in the cube or a commented warning that it needs to be handled inserted in the USER SysInit section.  It would have saved me an others a few days scratching our heads.

In the end I disabled SW and JTAG (*WARNING*) only do this if you have reset brought out to your programming header.


Now PB3 is now working thank you very much....

