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STM32Cube Suggestion] Adding SEGGER's ES in the ''Toolchain/IDE'' option

Matthew K
Associate II
Posted on June 19, 2018 at 15:46

Hi there, I'm Matthew~


I mainly STM32F4, STM32L4 discovery boards when prototyping.

My company uses STM32 MCUs and Nordic Semiconductor's MCUs mostly.

My company is trying to apply the

. This uses GCC/CLang.

The main reasons were

- SES 

can run on all platforms (Windows/Linux/MacOS)


 / Totally free when creating SW for Nordic MCUs

- able to


I use the STM32CubeMX frequently, however, I cannot choose SES.

It would be great if I can export an SES project with STM32CubeMX.

Can I suggest this suggestion to ST?

I'm looking forward to hearing comments from both community members and ST developers.

-Best Regards

#st-cube #segger #stm32f4-cube #stm32-cube
Posted on June 19, 2018 at 17:44

>>I'm looking forward to hearing comments from both community members and ST developers.

What I'd like to see is tools that can import basic project data from an XML form. Or the ability to glean the same from a competitors project file

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